- WreathCo
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- A Fresh Green Brand
A Fresh Green Brand
and a hint of pine

We’re selling wreaths! But what do we call the business: Wreath Company?
We’re just weeks away from the holiday season, and every day without the perfect name feels like we’re losing valuable time. We can’t afford to launch without the right identity—one that not only captures our modern vision but connects with our customers.
No pressure, right?
A quick survey of the space leads us down an interesting road filled with nostalgia, farming, and a certain level of tinsel...
Hey GPT: “spit out wreath company names with the words Farms or Pine in the name.”

Exercise complete. Nailed it. Actually, Farmhouse Pines was available for $9.99... hmm.
Dead end. We have a certain desire for nature, rustic vibes, and eliminating a gaudy, excessive use of red.
Our vision is different. There’s no red tractor or barn in our brand, and we’re catering to a more modern holiday seeker. One centered around gifting, sustainable materials, and minimal plastic.
A decoration that works just as well over a fireplace as it does on the front apartment door.
Let’s try this naming exercise again.
This time down a more hipster path with names like:
Rustic Fur or something literal like Noble Wreaths. Both available for $9.99.
I was really liking Rustic Fur until someone commented that it reminded them of a 70s adult film. Hmm. That imagery hasn’t left my mind.
Sorry Rustic Fur, you were my top choice, but we’ve got to move on.
Every rejected name feels like a little defeat.
Are we overthinking it? Should we just settle for Rustic Pines and move on? No chance.
With each passing day, the pressure builds. The holidays are fast approaching, and without a name, there’s no brand. No brand, no launch. And no launch, no business.
We spun our wheels a bit with a few more nods at the farm or the types of branches like: Noble, Pines, Fur, etc.
Then a new name rose to the top of the list: Tangled Twig
Technically that’s what a wreath is. This is really interesting, and it would include other natural decorations like garlands or table wreaths (centerpieces).
The question is, do we lock in a brand around the humble wreath, or do we leave the farm door open for other products down the road?
Maybe it’s better to be hyper-specific to what we’re selling: Wreaths. We hung Tangled Twig back up on the mantle, as a good top 3 option.
We own Wreath.co?
Then someone casually mentioned: you know, we do own Wreath.co (site not live yet) from way back... Wait, 1 letter away from being perfect?! (For those playing at home, the missing letter was “m.”)
Maybe we work backwards from a pretty solid URL and pull the brand out of that?
How’s it look written out:
Wreath Company
The Wreath Company
Hmmmmmm, interesting!

There was a hang-up though. Costco... ever been there? The mega-discounting retailer?Do we think about this brands when we read WreathCo?
The worry led us to expand the name entirely.

The Wreath Company, a name with a classic feel.
It almost feels even more old-timey, like The Ford Motor Company or The Vermont Country Store. Plus, “Company” in the name is kinda funny. A little like adding “LLC” to your business name.

Friends and early customers are already asking, "What’s the name?" It wasn’t ready. And each time we said, “We’re still deciding,” it felt like a lost opportunity. But we kept coming back to WreathCo.
This exercise taught us that long names make large logos and we needed something simple, elegant and modern. We decided to take a few swings with WreathCo to see how it would look in logo form.

And after seeing it written it hit us — Wreath.Co
Simple, modern, clean. It matched our domain and it felt like a name we could stand behind. Maybe not perfect, but the more we said it out loud, the more it felt right to us. Plus, we have an important deadline.

Is there such a thing as a perfect name? Impossible to know, but we’re ready to charge forward.
‘Tis the season.
Let’s baseline:
🎄Days until Christmas: 68
💰Sales: 0
✅ a product
✅ a manufacturer
✅ name
✅ brand
❌ no site
❌ customers
Next week: Operations, my world.
How many wreaths can we sell?
Do we have a target?
What will we do with 1,200 sq ft of cardboard boxes on pallets?
It’s coming together! The site is nearly completed, and we’re nearly really for the holidays!
I hope we can pull this off,